Pride Time


Pride month is winding down but June will go out with a fabulous bang next weekend as Minneapolis will have their annual Pride celebration!

There are a LOT of events next week leading up to the weekend Pride festival and parade. The festival is a two day party and once again the MN T-Girls will have a booth/tent/thing and we would love to chat with anyone that comes by.

We will be in the green area, booth 221:

The group will be there both days, chatting about our little organization and giving out little trans pride buttons and stickers. I will only be there on Saturday, so if you want to avoid me, Sunday is your best bet, lol.

I love Pride, and I think it’s important that the group is there. I feel we represent a niche but needed aspect of support. On a less fun note, it is expensive to have a booth/tent/thing. Twin Cities Pride is a wonderful organization and they do a fantastic job running such an enormous and inclusive event. However, it is expensive to have a booth at Pride. Expenses related to the event are paid for by me and with generous help from the other members. This year the costs associated with the booth, such as insurance, postcards, decorations, and giveaways, exceeded $700. It may not seem like a lot, but it adds up. If you would like to help offset this and would like to donate for some last minute booth decorations or giveaways, I would be extremely appreciative. My Cash App is $HannahMcKnight100

Going to Pride is… an amazing feeling. To be immersed with countless people who love and support you, even though they don’t know you or quite understand the complexity and simplicity of gender identity, is comforting and affirming. It’s the opposite feeling of going to a crowded mall and wondering what the other shoppers may think of you. At Pride, there’s nothing but love (except for the nutjob across the street handing out poorly Xeroxed pamphlets telling anyone who will listen that God hates us).

Keep your fingers crossed for beautiful weather and see you next weekend!

Love, Hannah

Ask Hannah!

Hi Hannah 🙂
I really love your series with En Femme. As a trans women in her early twenties it can be hard and just now coming into my body with being 1 year hrt.

That brings me to my question how do you balance work life and your personal life? Do you have any advice?

I feel my life is very segmented or compartmentalized. There’s a duality that having two different gender identities can bring. Each identity has their own world, in a way. Different friends, different email address, different wardrobes… there’s HIS life and Hannah’s life. There is little overlap, meaning few people from each world (if you will) are aware of the other plane of existence.

When it comes to balancing his work life and his personal life, well, it’s not something he is really good at. I work from home so I never am really unavailable if my boss emails me or I need to take care of something. It’s my choice whether or not I respond outside of my normal work schedule but for the most part I really don’t mind. I enjoy staying busy and getting things done, so even if I am not at my work laptop I am doing something else, such as house stuff. These things bring satisfaction and unless I am having my morning coffee you likely won’t find me on the couch.

When it comes to Hannah’s life, she is also busy but in different ways. Years ago, it used to be when Hannah would strut out into the real world she was just spending the day out. Shopping, wandering around…

But it became boring. I mean, it’s always fun to get dolled up and do things dolled up, but you can only go shopping for so long.

These days my adventures en femme are almost always tied into something that needs to be done. It could be a photo shoot because I was asked to review a product or filming a “Help Me, Hannah! video. These things are work, but I enjoy them. I like working. There’s a creative aspect that I enjoy and it’s fun to collaborate with other people. Since I am good friends with my makeup artist and photographer, even though a shoot might be work, I am doing these things with my friends which makes them feel less like work.

…It occurs to me that I am probably the last person that should be talking about a work/life balance, lol. Almost everything I do is arguably some sort of work and I rarely just… go to a movie or watch television. Even on a day off I am working on something. But again, the work I do (mostly) brings joy and the feeling that completing a task or chore brings is very satisfying to me.

So! My advice, although I am bad at this, is set boundaries and remember that your job won’t love you back. Most jobs will reward your hard work with more work, so keep that in mind.

Love, Hannah

Have a question for me?  Oh yes you do.  Ask me here!

Some Enchanted Monday Evening

So, I was invited to an event a few weeks ago. The event was a GALA. A GALA. Is there anything more alluring to a girl that loves to dress up, and I mean, REALLY DRESS UP, than the word GALA?

My friend Ali, an amazing photographer and the owner of Malone Portraits (where I have done most of my recent photo shoots) was asked to take photos of said event which was a fundraiser for See Change Treble Choir. They are, according to their website, a choir that is committed to “Celebrating and sharing women’s artistry and strength through song, collaboration, and community”. Ali invited me along for the night and I’m so glad she did.

I spent weeks daydreaming about dresses and the evening. I went shopping for a gown and I counted the days until The GALA. The day finally arrived and that afternoon I went to Luminous Beauty for my makeup as my regular makeup artist wasn’t available that day. I had never been there before but I had heard wonderful things. Luminous Beauty has a salon in Semple Mansion in Minneapolis, a gorgeous home that was built in 1899. My makeup was done by the owner Betsey and was delighted by my makeover. 1000000% recommended. Very very very friendly to girls like us.

I am not (completely) delusional. I knew the gala was not going to be Cinderella’s ball at a castle but I knew it would be fun. From what I was told, it wouldn’t be possible to be overdressed for the night but if anyone was going to challenge that it would be me, lol.

I arrived shortly after the event started and wandered around watching Ali and her friend take photos of the night. We chatted and listened to the choir and really just had a lovely time. I was complimented on my dress and was told I look like Belle from “Beauty and the Beast”.

It was an affirming and powerful evening of women supporting women and I felt welcome and that I belonged. It was one of the best nights of my life.

Love, Hannah

Help Me, Hannah!, Episodes Nine and Ten!


The next two episodes of the Help Me, Hannah! series I am doing with En Femme are live!

Episode 9: On this episode of Help Me, Hannah!, Hannah McKnight goes shopping! Whether you are trans feminine or gender non-conforming AMAB, Hannah provides her insight and wisdom to going out to find things in stores that are friendly to queer, or gender non-conforming clientele.

Episode 10: On this episode of Help Me, Hannah!, Hannah McKnight talking about getting her makeup done by a makeup artist! Whether you are trans feminine or gender non-conforming AMAB, Hannah provides her insight, tips, advice and wisdom to going out to finding a makeup artist who can create the look you want based on your goals!

We are shooting episode 11 next month!

Love, Hannah

Ask Hannah!

Being a heterosexual married male like me, don’t you concern yourself with unwanted advances from other males? I know that on my Flickr account I have just recently received a comment from an “admirer” that just creeped me out, so I blocked him. But I haven’t been brave enough to post as many provocative photos as you have for that very reason. Thank you for your response.


To clarify, I have never said I was heterosexual.

I feel that ALL advances from men are unwanted, lol. Before I went out of the house en femme, I thought a man hitting on me would be flattering or at the very least validating. Until it happened, of course. Every guy that has ever hit on me has given me the ick.

And to be clear, I know the difference between a guy complimenting me and a guy hitting on me.

Online it’s even worse. A guy will message me with the guise of being friendly and he’ll let me know that he thinks I am beautiful and after a little back and forth he’ll shoot his shot, or at least do so in a backhand way and tell me “I know you’re married but it would be an honor to fuck you” or something. Sure, he’s not asking me to fuck him but he’s still making his intentions clear.

Even if they aren’t so direct I do think that most men who message me are testing the waters, if you will.

OR! After a few exchanges they will tell me that they crossdress but that’s another topic for another post.

Anyway, back to your question. Sorry.

I am aware, from experience, that posting a picture is going to invite all sorts of comments. Some are predictable such as a photo of a leather dress or a photo that shows off my legs, but there are also the pictures that catch me off guard.

I get a emails from men who reallllllllllly like it when I’m carrying a purse in a picture. A purse. It’s not a very erotic accessory but I guess for some it is. I also get emails from men who are obsessed with my collarbones and they love it when I wear a dress with thin shoulder straps. Again, not a very erotic part of one’s body so it’s a surprise that they are reallllllly focusing on that.

Essentially no matter what I am wearing (or not wearing) I am going to get comments. It’s amazing what kind of clothes or certain anatomical features are arousing to someone else.

That being said, I am not going to get creepy men stop me, lol. It’s easy to block people on social media and I’ve reported quite a few for sending their own pictures to me.

Also, this is up for debate, but I am not sure if I would call my photos provocative. Yes, I post a lot of lingerie pictures but I hope that they come across as sexy, not sexual.

Unless you disable comments and hide your contact information, unsolicited remarks are part of the territory when it comes to posting pictures.

Love, Hannah

Have a question for me?  Oh yes you do.  Ask me here!

Daydreams and Fantasies

I believe that sex can be, and is, many, many things. It can be fun, intimate, spontaneous, planned, kinky… even all of these at once. If the participants are all willing and consenting and respected, I don’t think there’s really a wrong way to have sex.

Regardless of what someone’s sexy time is like, I feel that if anything, it should be personal. Although sex can a random hookup or with the aid of an escort, I think sex is also be a beautiful and sacred and private act between people who love one another and are devoted to one another.

And again, as long as the participants are consenting and everyone is enjoying themselves, then who is anyone to judge?

Of course, sex isn’t just about the physical aspect. Communication, consent, curiosity, and care are all essential parts of sex. I do think people are more than just a label and I do feel that, in most aspects, that sexual identity is pointless. I think there are a lot of ways one can be attracted or drawn to someone, whether it’s an emotional or intellectual connection (smart people are crazy sexy), or a physical connection. Sure, the idea of being intimate with someone who has the same genitalia as yourself may not seem appealing, but I do feel it’s possible that there may be something else about them that you find attractive.

Because of this, I am not surprised when someone has a moment in their life when they think that perhaps they are not as straight as they thought. I’ve had friends who dated people of a different gender for their entire life until they met someone and, well, things changed and they have started to date or have relationships with someone with a gender identity that they never did before.

I feel that sexuality can be fluid. I think it’s normal to be curious about someone that has a different gender identity or different anatomy compared to what your dating or intimate history says.

What can trigger these new (or repressed) desires is a lot of things. For example, you identify as male and date women but for some reason you can’t stop thinking about the new guy at the office and you’re not really sure why.

A very common thing for almost everyone reading this website is a changing or emerging gender identity or gender presentation, whether these are permanent or fluid. Anyone who has ever come out to someone has likely been asked the normal questions during “The Talk”. Those normal questions having to do with sexuality such as “are you gay? Do you like men?”

When I’ve been asked these questions I used to wonder why my clothing preference had anything to do with who I was attracted to, but I understood. The world insists it is a binary system. You are either a boy or a girl. You are attracted to either boy or girls. Anything that is outside of those extremes isn’t something most people are familiar with. It boggles my mind that so many people don’t “understand” bisexual people. I mean, it’s not that complicated. People have an even more difficult time comprehending gender that is outside of the binary.

I don’t feel that one’s sexual preference changes when they are presenting as a gender that is different from the one they were assigned at birth. Rather I feel that when one has accepted that they have a different, or an additional gender identity they may start to realize other aspects of themselves that they either repressed or didn’t know they were there.

It’s not uncommon for someone to feel attracted to men when they are en femme.

But! I don’t feel that being intimate with a man is suddenly appealing just because you are wearing a dress or lingerie. I don’t feel a piece of clothing impacts your sexual preferences.

Rather, I feel that embracing your gender identity makes one more in touch with other parts of themselves. It’s easy to feel vulnerable, introspective, beautiful, curious, and powerful when you have accepted something about yourself in regards to gender. I feel you can start to discover even more about yourself, in addition to just your feelings about gender.

Such as sexuality.

I also feel that when some of us are en femme, we want to experience things that enhance and even reinforce our gender identity. It can be validating. For example, I looooove it when people address Hannah as “ma’am”. And I looooove it when men hold the door open for Hannah.

Some of us want to be intimate when we are en femme and we want to, hm, “be the girl” during intimacy. This could be what parts of our body we want touched or ignored, this could be how we communicate during sex, and it can also include WHO we are intimate with. I suppose what I mean is that it’s possible one likes to have sex with men when they are en femme because having “men have sex with women”. Therefore, if a man is having sex with you it’s because you are a woman.

Of course, that is very much a generalization and an oversimplification. I don’t think validation should only come from the dude who just wants to rail you. Some guys will have sex with anyone. When a guy hits on me it’s not very flattering, to be honest. I am not attracted to men (at least not so far) but when a guy emails/messages me it’s very normal for one of their first questions to me is if I’ll sleep with them. They are not trying to get to know me, they are just horny and looking for anyone to fuck, lol.

When someone acknowledges that they have a new or an additional gender identity, it can easily cause one to question or reevaluate every single thing in their life. Pronouns, clothes, even sexuality. And this is all very normal. A new gender identity opens up a whole new world. That’s not to say that every single thing will be different but there’s the potential for every single thing to change. Be open to the possibilities.

Over the years I have received many emails from people like myself, partners of people like myself, parents and children of people like myself, therapists, other bloggers… asking for perspective and opinion and help and reassurance. I am not an authority on anything and I am certainly not a celebrity, but my site is usually one of the top Google results when one, um, googles terms like “crossdresser” or “transgender”. Algorithms are beyond my control.

Since I am relatively easy to find online, and since my website covers things from advice to shopping, I get emails and questions about many subjects. It’s a pretty normal thing for someone to ask me about, well, anything. Many of these emails are from people baring their soul and really opening up in a way they may not be used to. These emails are often written by someone who is in a very vulnerable state and are pouring their heart out.

It’s a privilege to be trusted like that. It’s almost sacred. I am being trusted with feelings and experiences that likely have never been shared before.

I get the feeling that many of these emails are written with the momentum of someone pouring their heart out. No filter, just words fueled by the need to be written, to exist outside of someone’s soul. These messages can often be plagued by typos or grammatical errors. Although the writer and reader in me flinches a little at the misuse of “your” and “you’re” I do understand that when someone is opening up to you, proper punctuation isn’t super important. I don’t think a lot of emailers will reread their message before sending it. Rather I think they just write what they feel and send it before they lose the nerve.

I get it. I really do.

When someone is going a million miles an hour and baring their soul, they may not be considering what they sharing might be a little, well, a little much, or maybe inappropriate. What I mean is that I get a lot of emails from others that in addition to sharing their feelings and innermost thoughts, these messages can often include sexual concerns.

And we’re all adults here, right?

I get questions about sex often and they usually focus on someone questioning their sexuality when they acknowledge *this* side of themselves, or concerns from someone’s partner if their husband wearing panties “means” anything about their sexuality. These are pretty common questions.

However, as I mentioned before, it’s not unusual for these messages to get explicit when it comes to sex. Like, incredibly detailed fantasies and daydreams.

To be fair, it’s not unusual for us to have fantasies about our gender expression. I mean, my fantasies include wearing a gorgeous gown and doing a photo shoot in an European castle but I don’t share my intimate fantasies with anyone besides my wife.

But again, I get it. Not everyone has someone they can share their fantasies with and it’s cathartic to be able to do so. To tell SOMEONE and hopefully be reassured that what they dream about isn’t, well, wrong.

Generally, I don’t think there are anything wrong with most fantasies. I mean, they are fantasies, right? As long as you aren’t daydreaming about anything illegal, immoral, unethical, or nonconsensual it’s likely okay, right?

Honestly, a lot of this content makes me uncomfortable. I really, really, really don’t want to hear about someone wanting to put on incredibly slutty lingerie and give dudes blowjobs.

But… I get it.

I mean, not that specifically. I can’t relate to that fantasy but what I understand is someone wanting to experience, uh, experiences en femme. Some of us feel that certain experiences validate our gender expression and gender identity. I can relate to that but in a different way. When someone calls me “ma’am” or when a guy holds the door open for me or when a barista tells me the ladies’ room is down the hall, to the left, I feel validated.

Not that I need someone’s validation or approval of course, but it’s still a nice moment. It’s nice to be reminded that the world doesn’t hate transwomen as much as we are lead to believe.

Some of us feel that having sex with a guy is validating and affirming. Like “this dude is having sex with me and since men have sex with women, he thinks of me as a woman.”

(Of course, not every guy has sex with women but I think you see my point.)

Or it’s something that a girl experiences so ergo it’s something that they want to do.

(Of course, not every woman has sex with men but I think you see my point.)

I am getting a little offtrack here (big surprise) but emails with a lot of specific and explicit sexual content are not uncommon. I also tend to ignore emails like this. As I wrote earlier, I think it’s something that should be kept between themselves and their partner.

Kind of.

I don’t think sex is or should be a huge taboo that we can’t be discussed. It’s a part of many relationships and it can be an important part of a relationship or an important part of a person. I suppose what I mean is the actual, specific aspects of sex and fantasies. Aspects that are, essentially irrelevant. Again, I don’t want to hear about someone wanting to put on incredibly slutty lingerie and give dudes blowjobs.

But I am starting to accept that this comes with the territory that I have more or less established. I am fairly prolific and I blog a lot and have been doing so for years and years. I invite people to email and ask questions and I do my best to answer them or at the very least offer my perspective.

Is it right for me to ignore an email just because it includes explicit material? Of course, I can choose what I respond to and I don’t have to do anything that I am not comfortable doing…

But again I allow a lot of… hmm, access to me. People can send “Ask Hannah” questions, I post my email address, and I approve (most) comments.

I understand that gender identity can touch a lot of aspects in our lives, and that includes sex.

Love, Hannah

Ask Hannah!

Do you know of any makeover places in Iowa or any support/social groups?


PFLAG is, according to their website, the nation’s largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.

They do have support groups throughout Iowa (and the rest of the country). Some meet virtually and some are in person.

From my own experience, PFLAG is a great place to start. I loved attending PFLAG meetings when they had a chapter in the Twin Cities. It was a wonderful way for me to become accustomed to being out en femme. Knowing I was going to a place that was meant for people like myself was really comforting.

Of course, if you can’t find a group that fits what you’re looking for, you could always start one.

I am not familiar with any salons in the state for makeovers but I have always had good experiences at Ulta and Sephora. I’m sure they have locations in Iowa.

Any readers in Iowa that have any suggestions? Please comment below!

Love, Hannah

Have a question for me?  Oh yes you do.  Ask me here!

Saying Yaaaas to the Dress

I had a lovely day this past Saturday. I went gown shopping.

A friend of mine invited me to a gala that was being thrown by a friend of hers. This is a fundraiser for a women’s choir in the Twin Cities. When I think of the word gala I imagine an event not unlike the ball where Cinderella lost her shoe. Opulent, grand, and countless beautiful gowns.

Of course, life isn’t a fairy tale and many words are used in a very loose sense. I’m sure “gala” is such a word.

Essentially, I have no idea what to expect and I said “YESSSSSSSSSSS” too quickly to even give it a second thought. Certain words cause my brain to shut off, and apparently “gala” is one of them.

Gala gala gala gala.

At any rate, I have a few gowns that I always imagined I would wear to a faaaancy event. I would justify these purchases with a very flimsy rationale like I needed them “just in case” and that I would rather have them and not need them instead of needing them and not having them. Which is rather silly. How many times have you been asked to attend a ball at the last minute and luckily you just happened to have a dress that is perfect for such an occasion?

Of course, when I received the invitation it didn’t matter how many of these contingency dresses I owned because I would obviously need a new one.

I called my squad and hit the mall. My squad being Shannonlee and my friend Sophia. As much as I love shopping I tend to get bored doing it. I suppose part of it comes from being overstimulated. I have gone shopping for gowns before but when you walk into the dress section of Macy’s and there are literally one hundred thousand dresses it’s easy for me to get overwhelmed. This adventure had a mission and I had to follow through. It’s always more fun to shop with someone else but my friends would be there to give feedback and help keep me focused.

I tend to have moments of imposter syndrome in situations like this. It’s not unlike a photo shoot. Like, what am I doing? Why am I doing this? Why do I think I need to do photo shoots or buy a fancy dress or go to a gala? It’s easy for me to take things toooo seriously. My friends kept the day fun and lighthearted. We marveled at the opulence of some of the dresses, we teased the really ugly dresses, and took double takes at the prices on some of them.

It didn’t take too long for me to have an armful of dresses that caught my eye. And girl, gowns are heavy.

Once I had selected about a half dozen I slipped into the dressing room. Dressing rooms, with all their mirrors and almost obnoxious lighting, can be humbling. An outfit, we hope, will accentuate the parts of our body that we like, and minimize the parts that we would rather not draw toooo much attention to. What I wear under a dress tends to be, well, functional. What I mean is that I have my corset and my breast forms. Dresses with a plunging neckline don’t really work for me since my breasts are, well, breast forms. It’s a similar situation with my corset. If a dress has an exposed back it will reveal my corset. If the dress has a mesh midriff, the same thing happens.

So, in addition to a dress actually fitting there are a few other things to consider. It’s not unusual for dresses to have wildly inconsistent sizing. I usually wear a size 12/14, depending on the fabric or style, but in my experience gowns are less forgiving. Most of what I tried on was, well, a larger size. I try not to focus toooo much on the number that is printed on a tag but it can bother me sometimes.

Each dress I tried on technically fitted. What I mean is that the zipper zipped. One dress was too short (I know, I didn’t think this was possible either), one dress was perfect for Pride but not the gala (I did buy this one as well), but among them, there was the gown I eventually purchased.

And I was surprised by it. I assumed I would select something black or pink or glittery silver or sparkling gold, but the dress is as yellow as sunshine. When I took the dress of the rack I thought it would, well, work. The neckline was perfect, I could still wear a bra (strapless, obviously)…

But yellow??

Also! selecting a dress that isn’t short or tight or doesn’t show off my legs was new to me. This was just one of the things I did that day that was out of my comfort zone.

Shannonlee and Sophia gave their approval, I changed back into what I wore to the mall, purchased two dresses and went into the ladies room and changed back into the gown.

It was photo shoot time, baby.

Walking around one of the busiest malls in the world, as a t-girl, is one thing. Doing so in a gown is another. I have always loved the juxtaposition that a photo shoot can be bring. Gorgeous lingerie worn in a dilapidated warehouse, for example. In this case it was a beautiful floor length gown at the mall.

I’ll write more about the experience when I have more photos to share, but it was a really fun day. The people at the mall were lovely.

Love, Hannah

Ask Hannah!

I am developing a nice bust line … what type of bra would you recommend to enhance and show cleavage?

Everybody has, well, a different body. Thankfully with the variety of bras available there is likely one that will be perfect for your body and designed to help you achieve your goals, such as enhancement and va va voom cleavage.

I am not a bra fitter, and I don’t know your body, so I am not able to recommend a specific bra. However, I will absolutely encourage you to get a bra fitting.

A recent episode of “Help Me, Hannah!” was filmed at Allure and focused on what it’s like to have a bra fitting. I’ve been visiting this boutique for years and I love their lingerie. If you don’t have an Allure near you, I would recommend reaching out to lingerie shops and asking to schedule a fitting. I would be amazed if you were the first transperson to visit their shop for a fitting.

Love, Hannah

Have a question for me?  Oh yes you do.  Ask me here!