Feeling Unsafe in Uncertain Times

The country has certainly changed a lot since the November election.  Shortly after the president was elected, there were stories about people of color being attacked and being told to go back to their own countryRacially charged graffiti found in schools, and a recently a mosque in Texas burning to the ground just hours after the immigrant ban was signed into law.

As a member of the trans community, I am worried about us.  It’s no secret that the current vice-president is very anti-LGBT and I worry about our rights being taken, I worry about attacks on our community.  The first time I went out after the election I felt an apprehension I hadn’t felt since the first time I left the house years ago.  Fortunately it was a MN T-Girls event and one of the reasons I founded the group was the belief of safety in numbers, or, I suppose, we are stronger together.  🙂

In the times I’ve been out since the election, I’ve braced myself for…something.  But so far there hasn’t been any incidents.  In fact, it has seemed a little more positive than usual.  The MN T-Girls event in November was dinner at a wonderful restaurant and as we discussed the election and our fears, a group of cis-women approached our table and let us know how happy they were to see us.  I was so happy to hear to hear that.  I thought by being out in public was, in a way, an act of defiance of the new administration.  They might hate us, they might want to pass laws against us, but we are not going back into the closet.  I can’t go back in the closet, between all my dresses and heels there is no room for me.  It was also wonderful to hear support from…anyone.

Having fun but also watching my back

The most recent time I was out was also for a MN T-Girls event where we went shopping downtown.  This was a fun afternoon and I struck up a conversation with another woman who was shopping.  As I browsed the racks she mistook me for a sales clerk and we started to chat about…well, clothes, of course.  I loved this little conversation because it was initiated by her.  I have no doubt in my mind she knew I was (and still am, I suppose) transgender but she spoke to me anyway.  I know that sounds silly but I wonder if anyone avoids making conversation with me because of who I am.  If they do, this woman did not.  It was a fun day and I was happy that the day passed without incident.

However, I still wait for something.  I fully believe that people who are anti-trans, racist and sexist feel emboldened now that we have a president and administration who has a track record of these traits as executive orders such as the immigration ban are signed into law.  I live in a very liberal city in a state that voted for Hillary Clinton (or against Trump in some cases) but so many of us live in towns and states that went the other way.

Have you experienced any change in people’s attitude since the election?

Shopping with the T-Girls!

The MN T-Girls had our monthly outing today and it was no coincidence it took place on the same day as hundreds of demonstrations took place around the world putting a spotlight on women’s rights.  I  believe that being out on a day like today was important and although our rights could be taken away with a signature, it will not make US go away.  We’re here, we are real people, we exist.

So we marked the day by being together, by having coffee, by going shopping and trying on (and buying) dresses and having dinner.  It was wonderful.

I hadn’t been out for a while so I really was looking forward to our day.  The Macy’s location in downtown Minneapolis is scheduled to close this spring and since Macy’s has a history of being pro-transgender, I thought a day out shopping would be a lot of fun.

I headed downtown early to just enjoy being out and I was glad the weather was so nice and warm so I could wear my new dress.  I did some window shopping and a had a coffee before I met up with the girls.

We met up at Starbucks, had a coffee and chatted for a bit before shopping!


It was a lot of fun shopping in a big group.  We browsed the racks, looked at shoes and tried on a lot of dresses.  We spent about two hours picking out outfits and clothes and had a lot of fun.

I had a lot of fun trying on new dresses and I ended up buying two, but I really regret not picking up the long gold gown I tried on.  Maybe next time.

After we maxed out our credit cards it was time for dinner at The Union, just down the block from Macy’s.


It was a wonderful way to spend the day and I can’t wait for next month’s event!

Love, Hannah

Doctors Want To Learn More About Treating Transgender Patients

I think we can have a lot of anxiety when it comes to visiting a doctor as not every transgender person is the same and many of us are still going back in forth between genders, sometimes even on a day-to-day basis.  Trusting someone with who we are is not easy as it’s sometimes hard for us to understand ourselves who we are, let alone explaining this to someone else.

Huffington Post has an interesting article about this and I think it’s totally worth a read.

Love, Hannah

De-genderizing Makeup

It doesn’t seem that long ago when I thought I was the only boy who wanted to wear makeup, but 2017 is off to a groundbreaking start when it comes to de-genderinzing cosmetics.
De-genderizing?  Is that a word?  It is now.

First up, from Buzzfeed, Maybelline Just Hired A Guy To Be The Face Of Its New Mascara.


MAC also has just released their new Caitlyn Jenner line of makeup.  See the entire line here.


Love, Hannah