Coming Out for the First Time. Again.

There’s no question that people change.

We change our minds, our opinions, and our perspectives.  We change our outfits, our makeup, our heels.  As we get older and as we are presented with new information and have new experiences, it’s common for us to see something through a new lens.

Especially when that something is ourselves.

From the day I learned the word ‘crossdresser’ I identified as such.  I thought of myself this way for years, although I wasn’t always comfortable with this term.  The term seemed to be predominately sexually charged and was usually depicted as a fetish.  There was nothing sexual in why I liked to wear what I wore.  For a long time my wardrobe was little more than beautiful lingerie that was hidden away in the back of my closet, and I never gave a second thought to my gender identity being anything other than male.

I was a crossdresser.  It was a simple as that.  There was no other word for it.

Until I heard the word ‘transgender’ in my early 20’s.  I wasn’t entirely sure what the word meant, and even now there are differing opinions and definitions as to what it means.  All I knew is that the word felt a little more accurate.  I learned a lot about myself growing up and I never felt like one of the guys and I hated the concept of gender roles and toxic masculinity.  I didn’t feel like I fit into the prevailing societal expectation as to what a man “should” be.

I felt boxed in by my gender.  I felt that being male limited me to what I could wear, say, and feel.  On the flip side, I didn’t feel like I was assigned the wrong gender at birth, either.  I felt like I was somewhere in-between.  What I felt, thought, and wore, fell well outside the binary world.  I was both, I wasn’t either.

The term transgender seemed to transcend this either/or confinement.  ‘Trans’ is a Latin pre-fix meaning ‘across, on the far side, beyond’.  If transgender meant ‘beyond gender’ then I was transgender.

The first person I ever came out to was a girl I was dating.  I think we dated for about six months before I told her.  It went… well, it didn’t go anywhere.  But the world was different then.  There were few people in the public eye who were openly transgender.  We didn’t have the representation that we do today.  Gender was even more binary then than it is now.  I don’t fault her for shutting down the conversation and changing the subject whenever I brought it up after that revelation.

But I certainly tried.  When I heard the word transgender I told her that perhaps that’s what I was.  Since I never felt comfortable with identifying as a crossdresser, maybe a different term would help others understand me.  It didn’t.  At least not to her, not back then.  Although the word was relatively new when I heard it and what it meant wasn’t always understood, the consensus was a transgender person was someone who transitioned.

Having no desire to transition and never feeling I was ‘born in the wrong body’, the word transgender, like the word crossdresser, didn’t quite hit the mark for me.  Of course, these days we are more enlightened and educated and have embraced how complex, varied, and nuanced gender is.  Today I am perfectly comfortable identifying as transgender (or perhaps more accurately bi-gender or gender-fluid).

The T-word is still very much misunderstood today, and probably will be for a long time.  Although our community has much more representation than it did twenty years ago, the prevailing opinion is a transgender person is someone who has, or wants to, transition.  Coming out as transgender is, well, it’s annoying, to be honest.  At least for me.  Identifying as a term that most people know is beneficial.  But at the same it’s a term that is very nuanced and personal.  Me identifying as transgender is different than Lavern Cox identifying as transgender.

When I have come out to people, I spend time explaining that being transgender does not mean drag, there’s nothing fetishy, there’s no correlation between my gender identity and sexual identity, and I certainly have no desire or plan to transition.  It’s an exhausting conversation.  When I came out to my sisters and mom, I really wanted to avoid using the words crossdresser and transgender.  The words were either misleading or misrepresented.  Rather I wanted to approach explaining who I was as simple as possible.

Looking back, I realize how naive that was.  There’s nothing simple about us.  If we are truly beyond gender, then we are very much outside the dominate perspective of gender binary.  We are both.  We are neither.

Coming out to my family did not go how I had hoped it would.  When I come out to others it is usually done for a reason.  When I came out to my wife when we were dating I did so because she needed to know all of me.  She needed to know who I was.  At that point I knew I wasn’t going to change and this was not something I would grow out of.  When I came out to my mom and sisters, I had two things I had hoped to do.

The first was I had wanted to have a closer relationship with them.  I wasn’t always the easiest person to get to know or get along with.  As I moved from primarily underdressing to… well, who I am today, it was done so with endless conversations with my wife.  We had long talks into the night about this side of me and when I was presenting as Hannah I felt more open, vulnerable, and calm.  I liked who I was when I was her.

As the months passed these characteristics flowed over and soon I felt more calm, stable, balanced, regardless of the gender I was presenting as.  I felt like a more complete person.  I felt like I was a better person.  I felt that I could have a better relationship with my family.  I felt if they knew about who I was, then I could be more open with them, too.

The second goal was a little shallow, but as time passed I realized how important this goal was, and is, to me.  I wanted them to meet Hannah.  I wanted to spend time with them as her.  I wanted so many little things.  I wanted to have coffee with my mom, I wanted to shop with my sisters.  I wanted Hannah to have sisters.

When this didn’t happen, it wasn’t that big of a deal at the time.  If I wanted to hit the mall en femme I could meet up with the MN T-Girls.  There were girls I could do these things with.  But as time passed, I couldn’t help feel a little rejected.  Why didn’t they want to meet her?

Why didn’t they want to know all of me?

Please understand, my mom and sisters are good people.  They are accepting and advocates of the LGBTQ+ community.  I don’t feel that they are hypocrites for not embracing Hannah.  Coming out is a complex thing an it impacts everyone in our lives.  Sometimes we are surprised by how we react when someone close to us comes out.  I also believe that being transgender is so nuanced and specific to that person that it is not easy to come to terms with it.

I replay the two conversations I had with my mom and sisters constantly.  Well, not constantly, but enough to be able to analyze it.  I think about how I could have done it differently.  I could have explained myself better.  I could have spoken more about my personal gender identity.  I could have made sure they knew this was more than their brother and son dressing up.

But it does little good revisiting these talks.  Rather we can learn from this experience for the next time we come out to someone.  We are not easy to understand.  Going beyond gender is not necessarily easy for a cis-gender person to relate to.  When we come out we learn what words were effective, what questions we will be asked, and what to avoid talking about.  We get better at coming out each time we do so, although each time we do is a different experience and we can never really anticipate how someone will react.

It’s important to be prepared for these talks before we have them.  Be ready to answer the typical questions about your sexual preference and whether you want to transition.  Know yourself.  How do you identify?  What does transgender/crossdresser/non-binary/gender-fluid mean to you?  Be calm, be patient, be sympathetic.  This is not an easy conversation for us to have, and its not going to be an easy for those we come out to.  We must be as prepared as possible for this conversation because we only come out once to someone.

…But is that really the case?

Gender is fluid.  The gender I present as can change throughout the day, and the pointless but almost necessary term I use to identify as can also fluctuate over the course of a lifetime.  I used to identify as a crossdresser, then as transgender, but perhaps bi-gender or gender-fluid is more accurate.

As our (ugh) journey progresses, we need to communicate with our partners how we identify, what we think about, and how we feel.  My gender identity is very different today compared to the night I told my wife that I love to wear panties.  She’s been there each step of the way and has seen me (for lack of a better word) evolve.

If our gender identity has evolved and changed, is it appropriate to… come out again?

I have written about my disappointment about my family’s reaction to this revelation, but I don’t put the blame (if you will) solely on them.  I don’t feel I came out properly.  In an effort to downplay any fear that they may had, I also downplayed this side of me.  When someone comes out as trans (or as anything beyond cis) a fear is that person will transition.  People are afraid of losing their brother, son, husband.  I wanted to assure them that *I* wasn’t going anywhere.  My other failing was not thoroughly expressing who I was.  I talk a lot about my definition of what identifying as transgender means, and I should have discussed this at the time I came out.

In protecting my family from overwhelming them, I minimized the significance and importance of who I am.  Yes, they may have not understood this side of me, but in retrospect, I could have done a much better job in explaining who I am.

I’ve written before that I would come out differently today than I did all those years ago.  My perspective, my gender identity, has changed and evolved.  So, why not do it again but this time come out as transgender and build off of what they know about me and really express who I am, who Hannah is, and why I want (and need) what I want and need from them?

It sounds great when I type it out and I feel empowered to do it.  What holds me back is recalling how uncomfortable my mom was when I came out.  The abrupt changes of subject with my sisters when Hannah comes up.  Although I have no doubt my family loves me, it’s clear this side of me makes them uneasy.  I consider coming out again, or coming out for the first time as transgender every time I see my family.  It’s a high risk/high reward decision.  I feel I would be more effective today in explaining who I am and why their support and acceptance is important to me.  But if the aftermath is the same as the first time I had this conversation, it will be even more devastating to me.  I have to remind myself that the people we come out to are under no obligation to accept us or to meet our other selves.  They are entitled to their reaction and as hard it is, we must accept that.  This is hard for them too.

I have not made a decision about this conversation yet.  This is a topic that is very unique to our community.  It’s frustrating being who we are.  People change as time passes, what being transgender means is different from person to person, and how we identify can shift over the years.  We are complex, we are nuanced, we are lonely, we are proud, we are confident, we are insecure, we are beautiful.




It’s the Most Wonderful and Stressful Time of the Year

I hope you all have an amazing holiday season!   I wanted to share some of the pictures from my last photo shoot for En Femme because they are about as festive as you can get.


I know the holidays can be stressful for girls like us, but I hope you treated yourself to something beautiful this year.  If you don’t have sexy lingerie under your tree, I hope at least you’re wearing cute panties under your boy clothes.

Love, Hannah

I am a Top Sex Blogger I Guess


I was surprised to learn that my blog was voted as one of the top 100 sex blogs for the year.  I came in at number 95 so I barely made it.  I think it goes without saying the list I linked to is an adult site.  About sex.

I am happy to be recognized for my work however I don’t think I write about sex that much.  Well, sometimes I do.

Regardless, I am thankful to all of my readers who visit my site, comment on my rambling writings, link to my articles, or like my photos.  I read every comment and appreciate all that you do and say.  You brighten my day and help me sort out my thoughts and feelings.  I value your honesty, feedback and perspective.

Thank you all so much.

Love, Hannah

Drag Performers Enchant Readers at Minneapolis Library



A room full of wide-eyed children sit criss-cross on the floor, eyes trained upward, hanging on every word of a storybook read aloud at the Hosmer Library.

The reader flicks her perfectly curled hair out of her eyes and she leans in to continue the tale. It’s as if they are meeting a real-life Disney princess.

Just then, her voice dips and one boy takes to his knees to get a closer look at the person reading to the group. She doesn’t notice and continues to read as the tale turns funny and the group of 90 children and adults giggle.

It’s storytime at the library. But today’s storyteller is more performer than reader.

Welcome to Stories Together with Drag Performers, a program put on by Hennepin County Libraries during LGBTQ History month in October. It partners with drag performers from the Twin Cities community to lead storytimes that focus on self-love, acceptance and individuality. The program began in 2018. Since then, hundreds of children have attended the events. This year’s 15 performances extended into November.

Read more here!

Love, Hannah

Trans, Drag, and Crossdressing

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I think about gender and terminology a lot.  I think one of the biggest conversations we have is one concerning labels and how we identify.  There tends to be a lot of qualifiers when we state how we identify as well.  For example, when I state as transgender, I qualify that word with why I identify that way so I am not misunderstood.  Being transgender does not always mean transitioning.  I was never comfortable with identifying as a crossdresser as it felt rather… well, not quite right as to who I was.

There’s a fascinating article on that discusses these terms better than I ever could.  This paragraph in particular stuck out for me:

Rather they are distinct modes of expression. A trans feminine person may or may not consider themselves a woman but they will more likely not see themselves as their birth gender. They may opt out of gender categories altogether or see themselves as androgynous, genderqueer or any other means of identifying. For someone who is strictly a crossdresser or drag-inclined it’s difficult to generalize. The same options for self identifying that a trans* person has — i.e., as androgynous, genderqueer, or non-binary — are today open to them as well.

I also really, really like this definition of a crossdresser:

…crossdressers can inhabit both worlds, that of their assigned gender at birth and that of their alternate gender expression. Many, but certainly not all, crossdressers express their alternate personae in private.

The article closes with a wonderfully accurate and poignant paragraph:

It’s nice to (finally) have choices and be able to exercise our options. Our identities are shaped over time as we mature, grow, and learn about ourselves. Knowledge is power, and self-knowledge can be the most powerful tool in our arsenal. Our terminologies will change over time. We will find new meaning in terms and ideas that will shape the way we know ourselves and hopefully bring some understanding of who we are to others .

Take a look, I think you’ll take much from it.

Love, Hannah

Ask Hannah!

I am in the process of transitioning from male to female and I am wondering whether I should present myself to my friends and relatives in female attire or male attire. No one knows about my decision except my wife. Our daughter is somewhat suspicious but she has not approached either one of us. What is your opinion ?? I will soon need to live as a woman for an entire year before I start the entire process. I am already on hormones and some body changes have already started (subtle). My wife is very supportive and is looking forward to us being best girlfriends. Your help will we greatly appreciated.

Coming out is one of the biggest steps you will ever take in life, and it will have ripple effects impacting everyone you know.  Some relationships may change and may become strained or strengthened.

To almost every one of us, identifying as transgender means something different.  Your transition is a moment in your life that is different than anything I have experienced, and your journey and gender identity is different than my own.  Our situations are very different, so although I can’t speak from experience, I hope I can be helpful.

As I mentioned before, coming out impacts everyone in your life… especially our partners.  Not only does this affect our relationships with our families, friends, neighbors and anyone else, it will also affect our partner’s relationships too.  It sounds like you are doing the right thing and taking each step alongside your wife.  Keep doing that.  When I have come out to others previously it was always after discussing it with my wife.  She’s very good at helping me sort my thoughts and helping me prepare for anything in my life, whether it is a talk like this or everything else.  It’s also a matter of courtesy to give her a heads up about who knows about this part of my life.

If you are working with a therapist, particularly a gender therapist, I would absolutely heed their advice.  They’re more qualified to guide you through this, especially as it pertains to your family.

That being said, if I were to come out to anyone else in my life, I would have a conversation with them first in male mode.  This revelation is a lot to take in, and the talk before them seeing Hannah would be a little less overwhelming.  If the person I came out to wanted to meet Hannah, then I would show them a photo before meeting them en femme.  The photo would also prepare them for what Hannah looks like. Meeting someone as a different gender identity and presenting as a different gender is a lot to process, and a photo first may help.

Plus I look better in photos than in real life.  🙂

Come out to people as you and your wife feel it is appropriate.  If you are already showing changes in your physical appearance you may want to do it sooner rather than later as people will start noticing (and likely talking and speculating about) what they are seeing.  It’s good to be able to control the narrative.  If I had a strong suspicion that someone knew about Hannah, or saw panties peeping out under my jeans, I would have a conversation with them to get ahead of it.  I would want to make sure that they would keep what they noticed, or suspected, a private matter.  Basically I would want to stop them before they started to gossip.

I hope this is helpful and I wish you the best of luck.

Love, Hannah

Support Group for Parents of Transgender Children

Earlier this month the Twin Cities chapter of PFLAG had their final meetingPFLAG is one the longest serving support groups for the LGBTQ+ community and they will be missed.  Thankfully they have many other chapters around the state and the country.

I was happy to hear that a support group for parents of transgender children will continue to meet as a separate group.

They will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, from 6:30-7:45 pm at The Family Partnership, 4123 E Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55406.  For more information, please contact them via email:
Love, Hannah


New En Femme Blog!

There was a lot of comments and emails after I posted “Meeting your Heroes” not long ago.  Support, or lack of it, from our family was still on my mind as I wrote this article for En Femme.  The holidays can be a tense time for everyone, especially when they know about this side of us.  This thinking helped inspire this article and I hope you like it.


The latest article with blogger, trans-activist and fashionista, Hannah McKnight is now available on our Learning Center! Hannah’s blog discusses more in-depth her journey as a self-described T-girl.
In previous articles for the Learning Center, Hannah has discussed the potential positive and negative consequences of coming out to one’s significant other. In her latest article – “Surviving the Holidays” – Hannah talks about coming out to one’s family members and shares her advice for getting through stressful family gatherings during the holiday season. Read it here>>

As Hannah says, keep your “chin up and heels high!”

Love, Hannah

Fighting the Fabulous Fight

When I first underdressing, there was a certain… thrill with getting dressed each day.  I love panties, I love lingerie, and the brighter the pink and the more adorned with bows and trimmed with delicate lace the better.  Much of the thrill was that I was wearing girl’s clothes. 

I have wanted to wear girl’s clothes all my life.  Having the courage to actually do it was amazing, even if (or especially if) I was the only one who knew about it.  I knew that each item was a stepping stone to something else.  If I could wear panties, I could probably wear a bra, and then stockings.  Perhaps soon I’d be wearing a nightie to bed… and then…

And here I am, decades later, typing away on a laptop wearing a very festive pair of panties with a snowflake pattern and my femme jeans.  My closet is filled with dresses, my shelves lined with heels, and my drawers overflowing with lingerie.  It’s my dream come true.

I’ve been asked if the excitement goes away over time.  I never thought that this side of me, whether I am in heels at a museum or picking out my panties for the day or getting a makeover would ever get mundane or, well, not fun.  But it’s true that something is lost over time.

Or so I thought.  I realize that it’s not that something is lost.  And its nothing as mundane as me getting used to it.  No, what it is is a new, evolved perspective.  Years ago I would be giddy with excitement just thinking about wearing girl’s clothes.  Today they are just my clothes.  They are not dresses for women, they are my dresses.  Clothes have lost any sort of gender specificity and distinction.  I am not wearing my femme jeans, I am wearing my jeans.  I did not wake up in a woman’s nightgown this morning, I woke up in my nightgown this morning.

I think girls like us roll our eyes a little when people freak out about boys doing “girl things”.  We don’t think it’s a big deal if a boy wants to play with dolls or whatever because we were that boy once.  The doll is a toy.  A toy anyone can play with.  We are confident and comfortable in our gender identities.  We are secure with ourselves.  We  are enlightened, if you will, when it comes to what is for a boy and what is for a girl.  Everything is for anyone who wants it.

These jeans are a perfect example.  They fit perfectly and I can’t think of any reason why they are “for girls”.  They fit me, don’t they?  I wear these jeans in male mode.  When I started to wear femme jeans in male mode that thrill of wearing girl jeans was there… but this morning, and yesterday morning, and tomorrow morning they are and will be just my jeans.

I wear these jeans because they are comfortable, they are softer, and they feel better to move around in.  Same with my femme t-shirts.  Years ago I would have trembled with excitement wearing a femme t-shirt and femme jeans while running errands.  Today these items are in my normal rotation in male mode.

I have long gotten over the thinking that some things are for boys and some things are for girls.  Whether it is a color, a musician (I love Taylor Swift regardless of what gender I am presenting as), or clothes.  Skirts, dresses, leggings, bodysuits, and nightgowns feel amazing.  Why should we deny wearing what we want to wear?  We shouldn’t.

…But if this is what I believe, what’s stopping me?  If anyone can wear a skirt, why stop at femme jeans when I run errands?  Why not wear a maxi skirt instead?   If I truly believe that clothes are for anyone, and I don’t care what others think, and if I want to wear a skirt and paint my nails and wear eyeliner in male mode, why don’t I?

Is it hypocritical that I don’t?

Why do I have the courage to spend the day en femme in a wig, a $70 makeover, a dress, and heels but not wear leggings in male mode?  Much of it has to do with being seen.  Sure, I don’t care what other people think of Hannah, and I am not worried about being recognized when I am en femme, but in male mode… well, that’s a gender I present as most of the time to most of the people in my life.  I would be more recognizable in male mode in a skirt than I would be en femme.  As misunderstood and complicated our lives are as t-girls, it’s even harder for some to understand why a guy wants to wear a skirt.  I think I would be harassed more in male mode wearing a skirt than I am when I am en femme.

And I am tired of explaining.  I am tired of explaining something that really can’t be explained.  I like wearing skirts and really see no reason why boys can’t wear them.  But I really don’t think the world is ready for that.  The world will never be ready for that.  But as I’ve said before, the world will never be ready for us, and we can’t wait for that to happen.

So really, what’s stopping me?  Nothing.  Everything.  I suppose I don’t want a reputation for being that weird guy who wears a skirt.  We also can’t forget that who we are also affects others in our lives.  I don’t want my wife to be known as the girl who’s married to the weird guy who wears skirts.  My wife is amazing and is supportive, but if I wore leggings out of the house with her it would probably (and understandably) embarrass her.  I don’t want to do that to her.  She knows what is in my closet.  She picked out my favorite leggings.  But she sees the world the same way I do.  That gender is complicated and simple and pointless, gender roles are silly, and clothes are clothes.

But seeing the world the way I do also means she sees how the world reacts to girls like Hannah and how the world reacts to boys like me.

It’s important to live our truths.  To practice what we preach.  In my heart I believe anyone should wear or do whatever pleases them.  I believe we should shrug off any opinions from people who don’t matter to us.  We t-girls know this.  We live this.  We t-girls represent this.  We are brave, we are warriors in the fight for gender identity and gender expression.  By simply existing we humbly challenge the world’s ingrained binary perspective.  We are wonder women, we are supergirls.  It’s a fight I am proud to be a part of.

But the battle on who can wear certain clothes, clothes for God’s sake, is not something I can fight in male mode.  We pick our battles in life.  Hannah, and every t-girl in the world, represents the transgender community.  We show the world that we exist.  That we can be who we want to be, that we can be who we are.  In striving for breaking down how the world thinks about gender, I feel I do my part, both in public and online.

I often feel I wish I could do more for our community in male mode.  I feel I don’t do enough.  But I hope what Hannah does makes up for it.

Love, Hannah



What a T-Girl Wants

Shopping can be overwhelming and it’s hard to know where to start when it comes to creating a wardrobe, but I hope this guide I wrote for En Femme helps!

I’ve been meaning to write a guide like this for a while, and En Femme’s current Insider Sale was a perfect time to do so.

Insider Sale Alert: Take 25% Off*
Now through Sunday! Use Code: ENFHOLIDAY


Featured, Must-Have Winter Fashions!

Want an extra opportunity to save before the holidays? Take 25% off your order (just for subscribers!) by using code ENFHOLIDAY and complete your holiday party look.  Looking for some inspiration as you put together your New Years Eve ensemble? Head over to our Learning Center and have a look at Hannah McKnight’s wish list – suggestions from our expert self-described T-girl!  Read it here>>

Love, Hannah