Ask Hannah!

Being a heterosexual married male like me, don’t you concern yourself with unwanted advances from other males? I know that on my Flickr account I have just recently received a comment from an “admirer” that just creeped me out, so I blocked him. But I haven’t been brave enough to post as many provocative photos as you have for that very reason. Thank you for your response.


To clarify, I have never said I was heterosexual.

I feel that ALL advances from men are unwanted, lol. Before I went out of the house en femme, I thought a man hitting on me would be flattering or at the very least validating. Until it happened, of course. Every guy that has ever hit on me has given me the ick.

And to be clear, I know the difference between a guy complimenting me and a guy hitting on me.

Online it’s even worse. A guy will message me with the guise of being friendly and he’ll let me know that he thinks I am beautiful and after a little back and forth he’ll shoot his shot, or at least do so in a backhand way and tell me “I know you’re married but it would be an honor to fuck you” or something. Sure, he’s not asking me to fuck him but he’s still making his intentions clear.

Even if they aren’t so direct I do think that most men who message me are testing the waters, if you will.

OR! After a few exchanges they will tell me that they crossdress but that’s another topic for another post.

Anyway, back to your question. Sorry.

I am aware, from experience, that posting a picture is going to invite all sorts of comments. Some are predictable such as a photo of a leather dress or a photo that shows off my legs, but there are also the pictures that catch me off guard.

I get a emails from men who reallllllllllly like it when I’m carrying a purse in a picture. A purse. It’s not a very erotic accessory but I guess for some it is. I also get emails from men who are obsessed with my collarbones and they love it when I wear a dress with thin shoulder straps. Again, not a very erotic part of one’s body so it’s a surprise that they are reallllllly focusing on that.

Essentially no matter what I am wearing (or not wearing) I am going to get comments. It’s amazing what kind of clothes or certain anatomical features are arousing to someone else.

That being said, I am not going to get creepy men stop me, lol. It’s easy to block people on social media and I’ve reported quite a few for sending their own pictures to me.

Also, this is up for debate, but I am not sure if I would call my photos provocative. Yes, I post a lot of lingerie pictures but I hope that they come across as sexy, not sexual.

Unless you disable comments and hide your contact information, unsolicited remarks are part of the territory when it comes to posting pictures.

Love, Hannah

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4 thoughts on “Ask Hannah!

  1. Great topic Hannah! Putting oneself online is definitely an education and adventure. I remember the first time posting a very innocent, and I must say, awkward looking pic of myself. Even with that pic, I received some very supportive comments from other girls along with a few sexual comments. Even though this site in particular is dedicated for CDs to post, there are always men who are fascinated and obsessed who trolling these sites in hopes of sparking up a conversation. Some men can be respectful and simply pay a nice comment to a post. These men might be attracted to us and have a better understanding of our lifestyle. Others will immediately cut to the chase and leave a crude or suggestive comment thinking we are there to somehow serve their needs

    And then there are what I like to call the posers. Men who setup an account posting a pic of themselves dressing (generally not convincing, but some are very convincing). They claim to want to have girl chat and then after a few exchanges, they start to reveal their true intentions. Finding true girlfriends online is nice to have for support. Especially if one is not out yet. I have met some wonderful girls online who helped me and provided support and friendship.

    If one chooses to chat in the online world, it is simply knowing what to look for and flesh out. A new account with low traffic or Karma is often times a quick base camp for the real weirdos as they are generally shutdown often by the site. Not to be confused with when I was recently banned from Reddit because I paid a nice compliment to a poster in a Trans Fashion sub and was hated on by a Trans moderator who actually believes that dressing is not in the Trans spectrum and that Trans Women don’t start out by dressing. What!!!!!!!!!! Don’t get me started.

    I digress. I can say the first time someone made a sexual remark to me I was offended and creeped out . Now I just chalk up as part of the territory. It is really eye opening to know how many men out there fantasize about being with a CD or Trans woman. The unfortunate thing is many can’t see beyond the dress and that we are intelligent human beings and not a toy to play with…..unless that is how one wants to be viewed as there are many online under Femboy and Sissy sites where that is their prime objective.

    I hate watermelon. Many love it. To each his own.



    1. I was just telling someone yesterday how I cannot understand why someone would not like watermelon – onions, I can definitely understand, but the sweetness of watermelon? Yumm!


    2. Right! I mean I try about every 5 years and it never changes. Who says there aren’t unicorns 🦄 Lol!



  2. And one more thing and probably the most important takeaway for me personally. It is okay if one wants to express themselves in a sexy or provocative manner. Just because someone chooses to post something that is suggestive is not an invitation to be objectified. Doesn’t mean it won’t happen, but no different than a beautiful cisgender woman wearing a string bikini to the beach. She might be beautiful and very attractive, however, still not an invitation to approach her with sexual comments or propositions.

    We have a ways to go with how society views sexuality. Even within the CD community there are those who are on a straight pepper diet and others who explore every facet of themselves. No pun intended. The tough part is everyone is so busy telling each other what is and isn’t appropriate. There is no right or wrong way to express oneself. You be you as the kids are saying.



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