Baby, it’s, Like, Really Cold Outside

It was a very, very cold evening last night, but that didn’t stop the MN T-Girls from our monthly adventure!

I had spent the afternoon doing some shopping and meeting a friend for coffee, and by the time I met up with the other t-girls temperatures were a few degrees below zero.  Did sub-zero temperatures and icy sidewalks stop me from wearing a dress with a hemline above the knee and four inch stilettos?

I think you know the answer to that.

For our first outing of 2018, we met at The Townhouse, Saint Paul’s oldest GLBTQA nightclub.  There were about two dozen of us who braved weather that was actively trying to kill us.  We had some drinks, some food, chatted about the holidays, met new friends and a lot of girl talk.  It was a nice way to start the year.  Unfortunately I didn’t get any good photos of the girls but everyone looked fabulous and was dressed a lot more practical than I was.

As the MN T-Girls enters our fifth year, I’ve been thinking a lot about how far the group has progressed and what the future holds for us.  I am constantly thinking about what we’ll do next, whether it’s shopping and makeup lessons or events built around activism.  I try to balance our events that appeal to all members of the group, whether it’s an event at The Townhouse, which tends to be one of the first places a t-girl goes when we leave the house for the first time to something bigger and more public to appeal to those of us who have been out in the real world for years and are comfortable anywhere.

Most of the events for 2018 are already planned out and they range from attending Pride events around the state to makeup demonstrations to photo shoots to holiday parties, but I am always thinking about what we can do.

It is a lot of work planning and coordinating these events and I tell the girls I will always continue to do so as long as the girls show up.

I look forward to what the year brings!

Love, Hannah


5 thoughts on “Baby, it’s, Like, Really Cold Outside

  1. Hannah,  Many thanks again for your work organizing events.   Last night was fun meeting new people and talking about our varied journeys.   Was glad I was able to sit by you for a bit and enjoyed our conversation.     Well, I survived the icy parking log last night in my stiletto ankle boots, then today when out running the fresh snow hid some glare ice on the path and took me out.  I’m OK, landed on a knee and I instinctively rolled (not the first time this has happened) .  A little bruise and scrape on the knee.  Iced it up and at least OK for now… tomorrow could be a bit sore.    Stay warm!!Samantha


  2. What fun!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Enjoy reading about all of your outings.
    Makes me feel better about the state of the world.


  3. Can I just say that I really, really like what you do?

    First, you look amazing, and I love to look at your photo shoots. With some envy, or at least a strong hint of wistfulness.

    Second, I really like your warmth and kindness and your sense of positivity. This comes across in all your blog posts, as well as your interactions and your “Ask Hannah” posts. For me this is my favourite thing about you.

    Third, I enjoy your writing very much. A lot of what you say resonates with me, and I read all your posts, although I don’t always get the chance to comment.

    Overall, you are an excellent ambassador for the trans community. I wish you lived in my city, and not on another continent! I would love to chat with you over dinner and wine!

    Keep up the very good work,




    1. What a nice comment, thank you for the kind words. I do my best to represent our community in the most positive way possible, just like everyone else does. Thank you for reading my site!

      Love, Hannah


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