How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Not Passing


I’ve written another article for The Breast Form Store!

Lately I have been thinking about the people who have shaped me and my life. Sometimes it’s for good or for bad, but in most situations I am grateful for the lesson. You can be inspired by good people and others are a cautionary example. I am doing my best to acknowledge the people in my life who have helped me over time and to thank them.

Of all the perspectives I’ve gained from other people, the viewpoint I am very grateful for is abandoning the idea of passing. Shaking off any and all perceived notions of what a girl “should” or is “supposed” to look like is a blessing. After all, who gets to decide how a girl should look like? Is there a certain height one must be under to be pretty?

Of course not.

I wish I could recall who shifted my thinking on this. Once it clicked, that there is no such thing as passing, I strutted out my door and never looked back. I would love to thank them for that gift of perspective.

Love, Hannah

8 thoughts on “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Not Passing

  1. Hi Hannah,

    You have done an excellent job carrying this message forward. I remember reading a similar message in one of your blogs almost a year ago and it resonated with me. I have since shared that with others.

    There are many cisgender individuals whose bodies and faces might not fit the stereotypical false narrative of what a man and woman should look like based on the conditioning of our society. It is yet another example of how by design, “pretty” people are granted privileges just because of this ridiculous idealism.

    I love to bird watch. It would be like saying all birds should look like Cardinals discounting all of the other beautiful and unique species. That would make for some very bland and uninteresting bird watching.

    Mother Nature is a great and wonderful teacher if we would only let her 🌎.



  2. Hannah, you may not remember who is responsible for shifting your thinking on passing. But I can tell you with certainty that you’re the one who shifted my thinking about it. Thank you!


  3. Yes this is a big step for all of us girls who want to get out there
    Stop overthinking you won’t pass and accept the fact it’s highly unlikely you ever will
    I love the saying just be you and it’s so appropriate for us
    We have to just get out there and enjoy being out loving being a trans girl


  4. I know I don’t pass and I don’t care! I do wonder what goes through people’s minds though. They may ask themselves: Does he really think he’s a woman? Is he just trying to be contrary and weird? Did he have the surgery or is he planning to? No, none of the above. I just like to indulge in feminine expression. Ask millions of women who prefer masculine clothes and masculine activities like motorcycling and mountaineering those ridiculous questions and see what kind of answers you get. We all deserve the opportunity to participate in the full expression of the human experience.


    1. my thoughts exactly

      love to be a part of this divine duality in me as part of the human experience!
      Very well said indeed


  5. My therepist has told me there is no one way to be a woman so it is only fair to say there is no one way to look like one either. Women come in all shapes,sizes and looks.

    Thanks for the article


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