Ask Hannah!

Can you give me some tips on makeup for a beginner? Is there a better brand or a set I could get started with? Also, I am looking at wigs and I want to get a good quality one. What do you recommend?

Makeup is something to invest in, and feminine presentation takes time, patience, and money. As you learn more about the wonderful world of makeup you will likely realize the difference between foundation that costs $6 and foundation that costs $60.

Before you start to invest in the more expensive and higher quality products, teach yourself by using the cheaper (likely lower quality) products. ELF cosmetics, available at Target (and Amazon, I think), are a great place to start. Teach yourself how to blend your foundation, how to use eyeliner on your waterline, how to perfect your eyeshadow using these products. When you make a mistake, wash your face, and start over. Once you have gotten the hang of this, then you might want to start investing into higher quality products.

Of course, ELF isn’t terrible. The quality for the price is actually really good and I still use a lot of their products.

I also recommend scheduling a makeup lesson at a salon. Many salons, including national chains such as ULTA, offer this service. Not only is this an opportunity to learn about techniques, but they can also recommend products that are right for your skin type, skin color, and facial shape.

And yes, this might be out of your comfort zone but almost every aspect of this is.

As for wigs, there are many sites online that sell them. Like makeup, this is also an investment. It’s the item that I invest the most money in as it’s what I will wear every time I am en femme. You’ll likely realize there is a enormous difference between a $70 wig and one that costs $500. Also, like makeup, perhaps start off with a cheaper wig to get used to wearing one. Find one that works for the shape of your face. Find a style that works for you, and then invest in a higher quality one in a similar style.

When you are ready to take that step, schedule an appointment at a wig salon for a consultation. Again, out of your comfort zone but if I am going to invest hundreds of dollar on a wig, I would rather try it on first. Most wigs, for health reasons, cannot be returned.

Love, Hannah

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5 thoughts on “Ask Hannah!

  1. I will always have affection for all T-girls because I have all the same lifetime Desires in dressing feminine to feel myself .



  2. I usually become very envious and left out when I see T-girls going out to functions completely dressed and having some good girl talk together and thinking how wonderful it would be to have the right wig attractive for my age and training on makeup to pass the best.



  3. Great comments Hannah. Much like clothes, finding out what works for us is a process of trial and error. There are numerous online discussions about what each makeup product is used for, how to apply, and recommended brands. ELF is not only affordable, but many of their products are free of harmful chemicals.

    As a mature CD, I learned that brown eyeliner and more natural shades of eyeshadow can be more forgiving with age lines vs using black. I remember the first time I applied foundation and wound up looking like a street mime, LOL! Through that process, I discovered that concealer is a better alternative that has a much more natural appearance for me. Learning to have a daily facial care routine and what products were right for my skin was also key. Sephora was a great resource to learn about this.

    It can seem overwhelming at first, but a reminder that this is not a race or competition. We discover ourselves gradually and begin to develop our own sense of style. It’s so fun to look back at those first pics to see how much we have developed and grown.

    Thanks to Hannah and all of the other gals that have gone before us that so graciously continue to share their experience with others.



  4. Like those who skydive, venturing out enfemme is something I wonder about but fearful of ever trying. My imagination stirs as I share your experiences and perspective. The non supportive wife reminds me not to embarrass her with those who know us. Closeted serves many to perhaps one day step out to the world.


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