Ask Hannah!

When I first started dressing I was taught to use tape to pull my eyebrows up and give me a more feminine look. I would rather focus on my makeup. The taping is not very enjoyable. Do you have any suggestions on my eyebrows and more feminine look without taping?

Of course, there are no standards on what one must look like in order to be feminine.  That being said, a thinner, shaped, arched eyebrow is generally considered to be more feminine.  There are a few ways you can achieve this.

You could have your eyebrows waxed to create this look.  Personally I thread my eyebrows and I love how they look.  Until I started doing this my eyebrows were thick and almost unibrow-ish and I like how they look now, regardless of what gender I am presenting as.

  When you change anything about your appearance (shaving your legs, for example) in order to look more feminine (again, there are no standards any girl must meet to be feminine, but you know what I mean) it will also impact how we look in male mode.  Because of this, I understand that not everyone is able to wax/thread your eyebrows or shave your legs (or arms, chest, back…the list goes on and the list is gross).

In personal experience I have had a small of people comment on my eyebrows.  I don’t think many people notice or care what my body and facial hair looks like.  If they do, they are usually not rude or invasive enough to ask.  I’ve never had anyone ask why I shave my legs or arms.  I assume it’s because most people either don’t notice or they don’t care.  I mean, think about it.  Do you really pay attention to someone’s body hair?  If you do, are you rude enough to simply flat-out comment on it?  I’ve had a few girls comment on my eyebrows on male mode and it’s always been complimentary along the lines of “you have great eyebrows” and that’s it.  

Girls like us tend to be paranoid (which is a survival tactic in a way) about someone making a connection between ANYTHING we do with this secret side of us.  We are petrified that someone will notice our shaved legs and figure out we shave them so we look better in fishnets.  

Anyway, I am waaaay off topic.

You can use makeup of course to change how your eyebrows look.  My friend and makeup artist Corrie wrote about how this can be done and it’s well worth your time.

Love, Hannah

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2 thoughts on “Ask Hannah!

  1. I have shaved my legs on and off (mostly on) for the last five years, and spend hundreds of hours in shorts (at the gym, riding bikes, coaching and playing tennis), and no one was said anything. I recently began to shave my arms; crickets again.

    If anyone ever asks, I’ll just use some explanation about doing triathlons (I will likely say I did it once for a triathlon and liked the feel so I continued doing it).

    But no one will ever ask. Do you look at guys legs to see if they have hair?


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