
I have been raving about The Breast Form Store and their products for years. Whether it’s a cute pair of stilettos, lingerie, their life-changing forms, or their first class customer service, I am always happy to recommend their products.

I was asked if I wanted to write a piece for their website and I happily contributed an article. This was a fun little strut down memory lane. When I write something to a website I usually focus on the early days of my journey and this was no exception. Writings for my site tend to be where I am now (emotionally or otherwise) so revisiting my beginnings can be fun to recall.

I hope you enjoy it!

Love, Hannah

2 thoughts on “Awakening

  1. Hi Hannah,
    Your article for The Breast Form Store is a lovely synopsis of your lifelong exploration and evolution of what you want to be, of what you are creating, as a bi-gendered person.

    As with so many of your posts, essays, this one resonates with me, and I am sure, with many, many others.

    Thank you for your excellent and important contributions to our world.

    Best to you,
    Marissa in Ohio


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